The Social Media Memorabilia Auction House

On view:

From The Private Collection
of Instagram Luminaries

January 01 – May 15th

LOT: 0024

OxyshredTM , canister

Bid starts at: $5,800
Pelas, Lindsey Followers: 7.3M

306‭ ‬gram, half-empty canister of OxyshredTM, Guava-Paradise Flavor‭. Previously featured in‭ the ‬above possibly sponsored post.

A thermogenic fat burner‭ ‬that boosts metabolism and burns stubborn fat cells‭. ‬There‭ ‬are no supplements on the market that will get you to your lean muscle and fat burning goals more effectively than Oxyshred‭. ‬You‭ ‬can always trust Oxyshred because EHPlabs are a fully transparent company‭ ‬‮–‬‭ ‬every single ingredient in the recipe is listed right there on the label‭. ‬Beyond that‭, ‬EHPlabs doesn’t cut corners‭, ‬it provides full-strength Alcar and does not engage in under-dosing at all‭. ‬The production of Oxyshred is one of‭ ‬the most research intensive projects undertaken in the supplements industry‭. ‬Oxyshred’s fantastic fat burning potency comes from its ability to engage the hyper-lipolysis matrix‭, ‬which is a process that targets the‭ ‬fat molecules that build up under the skin‭, ‬and this process is incredibly efficient at trimming fat‭. Try Oxyshred today to see‭ ‬what it can do for you‭!.

Item is in good condition and still contains 3 servings of powder. Comes with original serving spoon.

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Please note: S.M.M.A.H. does not own the items displayed, final sale is contingent upon the permission of each item's owner and will only be sold with their approval.

If you are the highest bidder and your bid is approved we will contact you to finalize the sale.
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The first auction house of its kind, The Social Media Memorabilia Auction House (S.M.M.A.H.) provides exclusive access to the world’s most fascinating and enigmatic figures of social media.

Our expertly curated collection of personal and concomitant artifacts fosters an immersive digital and material network that honors the complex narratives of these unique objects, with the aim of enriching the cultural life of the world at large.
