The Social Media Memorabilia Auction House

On view:

From The Private Collection
of Instagram Luminaries

January 01 – May 15th

LOT: 0050

Heather Gray Nike Club Fleece Sweatpants

Bid starts at: $5,500
Panda, Simeon Followers: 4M

Nike Club fleece sweatpants in heather gray, size XL, as featured at the ankles of Simeon Panda in this classic “muscle-flexing” Instagram post.

Notable comments on the original post include: “You go beautiful, bbysmooth, sexy, handsome, bearded, attractive and super hunky pridehottie /bi-pridehottie, slay it! [bang emoji, fire emoji, diamond emoji, thumbs up emoji, muscle flexing arm emoji, muscle flexing arm emoji, muscle flexing arm emoji, rainbow emoji] —@emilatik.

Pants are in very good condition and have only been worn a few times by Panda.

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Please note: S.M.M.A.H. does not own the items displayed, final sale is contingent upon the permission of each item's owner and will only be sold with their approval.

If you are the highest bidder and your bid is approved we will contact you to finalize the sale.
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The first auction house of its kind, The Social Media Memorabilia Auction House (S.M.M.A.H.) provides exclusive access to the world’s most fascinating and enigmatic figures of social media.

Our expertly curated collection of personal and concomitant artifacts fosters an immersive digital and material network that honors the complex narratives of these unique objects, with the aim of enriching the cultural life of the world at large.
